What's Your Wealth Plan? Or do you even have one?
The Wealth Coaches present

If you stress about not having enough money to pay bills and get out of debt, let alone plan for retirement, then you are like most Canadians and Americans who have less than $200 left over at the end of each month.
You NEED a Money Plan - badly!
NEXT SEMINAR DATE: Click to view upcoming times. Registration is free for all guests.
Doors open 15 minutes prior.
Space is limited to 20 seats so REGISTER TODAY.
Our clients seek to Protect, Preserve, and Prosper from adopting the strategies of the super-rich to ride the power wave of wealth cycles.
"Wealth is neither created nor destroyed; it simply flows from uneducated investors to EDUCATED ONES." GET AHEAD OF THE PACK! GET EDUCATED!
It's a fact that most people spend more time each year planning their family vacation than they do their finances. It's no wonder that 95% of us fail financially after a lifetime of working for someone else's dream, vision, and business.
It's called the 9-5, 40 hr/wk, 40 yr plan, or a J.O.B. (just over broke).

For over 25 years, I have been educating people on money mastery skills such as how to increase their tax refunds by $6,000/yr using tax efficient strategies like owning a small business operated from their home. Most people are unaware of the incredible tax incentives provided by the tax authorities encouraging taxpayers to start their own business. Most people also lack a credible Plan B in the event of a job loss. Don't wait for the economy and automation at work to out-source your job for you. The Canadian government recently announced a study that estimates (click here) 40% of jobs are at risk of disappearing over the next 10 years due to workforce automation. The truth is, NO JOB is SAFE! To see how much your job is at risk, click here.
To avoid this inevitable threat to your financial security, you must MAKE a Wealth plan, WORK the plan, and STAY with the plan until you attain financial freedom. Having NO PLAN is not a smart option. So, "What's your Wealth Plan, or do you even have one?"
Did you know?
Employees pay an estimated 43.5% of all their working incomes to some form of tax.
Self-employed business owners pay an average of 11% tax and have 5.6 times more Net Worth than the employees who work for them.
Entrepreneurs have an Average Net Worth of $1.3 million compared to only $225,000 for employees in traditional jobs.
Only 5% of retirees attain financial freedom by age 65.
62% will retire with less than $10,000!
40% of people say that an extra $500/mo income would dramatically improve their financial situation.
With numbers like these, it is IMPERATIVE that every taxpayer starts a Wealth Plan that includes a small business. Haven't you always wanted to be your own boss? Do you have the motivation and the drive but never found that one brilliant idea to be a successful entrepreneur? Do you have a current full or part-time job, but you want to look at alternative ways to make money? Do you know the difference between linear and residual income? Do you want to hear about the 2 Big Killers of Money: Tax and Debt, and learn ways to Save, Manage, Protect, Make, and Grow your Money?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, you MUST ATTEND this FREE Money Mastery Workshop where you will learn how YOU can turn your smart phone into an automated money management tool, a business marketing machine, and a personal cash register, while profiting from six KEY North American industries: Financial Services, Energy, Telecommunications, Health & Wellness, Multimedia Services, and Intellectual Property Licensing which collectively account for over $5.7 Trillion in annual economic value!
You will walk away from this 2-hour event with a greater understanding of the current state of the economy; the debt levels we carry as a nation and individually; what the difference is between linear and residual income, and which is better; what tax free compounding is; how much you need to put away monthly to meet your retirement goals; and how to use small business tax saving strategies to make up for the cash investment shortfall.
Most people will discover that they really need to be saving between $1600 and $2400 per month in order to meet a secure retirement, a nearly impossible goal for most without making a drastic paradigm shift in their thoughts about money.
Technology is truly revolutionizing business in the digital world. You already have what it takes in your smartphone to create massive wealth and financial freedom for you and your family. Let's face it, if you have read this far, YOU NEED THE EXTRA MONEY and you MUST LEARN how to create a proper wealth plan, no matter what you decide to do for an income.
During this lecture, you will be invited to subscribe to The Wealth Coaches Academy, our new online university that is under development that will soon contains 20+ financial education e-Learning courses that will assist you in mastering the art of wealth creation for a lifetime.
Finally, we will introduce in detail 1 of 8 incredible business opportunities that you can begin partnering with as independent representatives or consultants that may pique your interest. For under $300 in net start-up costs, you can immediately begin generating income for your new "home-based" consulting business. You are under no obligation to pick any path at this time, but you may choose one or more of the options as your ambition dictates.
We are a group of Successful Professionals, Wealth Coaches, and Entrepreneurs who come from a diverse background of education and careers, who now help motivated, ambitious, individuals become financially-free as Successful Entrepreneurs working on a part-time/spare-time basis until they can replace their job income.
Our goal is to educate the new & old generations alike about the secrets of money, help people be financially independent, and help them live their lives on their terms.
You will meet like-minded people who have similar goals and dreams; you will learn different ways to MAKE a residual income, SAVE Taxes, INVEST wisely, and how to be in CONTROL of your finances, FINALLY!
We guarantee you that you will leave inspired and motivated to take massive action to reach your personal goals.
HOST: JAMES STEELE IV & Special Guest of the Week.
Using your smart phone, computer, or tablet, come learn how to reap handsome rewards in the years ahead, even during the ongoing recession, by following the simple advice taught at this event.
All guests will be offered a FREE, LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION to an online money management utility just for attending. This service has a $240 annual value, and it is free for all guests.
Following the overview, there may be specific training topics on money management and business.
At least One VIP Guest speaker representing one of the recommended businesses will be available at each session. This may vary from event to event.
Entrepreneurship training may be part of the business development program in these sessions.