Services Catalogue and Shopping Cart
Please select from the various catalogue items below. To make a purchase, choose your items of interest, click Add To Cart, then complete your payment via Paypal. Alternatively, services can be purchased by credit card through the PayPal interface, through the leading on-line event management provider EventBrite, or paid by cheque / cash to Trilogy Promotions Inc., prior to the service.
Please note that your online or credit card statement will show Trilogy Promotions Inc. as PAYPAL*TRILOGY-TWC, or PAYPAL*TPI-WEALTH COACHES.
STS Client Set-up Services. Click on the logo to jump to shopping cart.
NEW! Web-based, On-line
Wealth Coaching & Financial Education
Individual and Group Rates
Subscribe to our Monthly Coaching Program
and get 24/7/365 on-call access to your coach.
2 hour initial assessment ($200)
1 hr semi-annual review ($100)
(up to 12 seminars x $10 discount each) ($120)
Wealth Academy Newsletter ($100)
(A $520 total value package)
Telephone & Web-based Virtual Consultations
1. SV - Personal Financial Assessment
CA $150.00
Using the telephone and/or web-based technology, we can consult with you virtually from anywhere and anytime in the world.
See below for course description.
1. GV - Lunch & Learn Intro
CA $59.00
Using the telephone and/or web-based technology, we can consult with your group virtually from anywhere and anytime in the world.
See below for course description.
4. GV - Retirement Planning & Investment Options
CA $150.00 ea
Using the telephone and/or web-based technology, we can consult with your group virtually from anywhere and anytime in the world.
See below for course description.
2. SV-Personal Semi-annual Review
CA $75.00
Using the telephone and/or web-based technology, we can consult with you virtually from anywhere and anytime in the world.
See below for course description.
2. GV - Personal Financial Assessment
CA $150.00 ea
Using the telephone and/or web-based technology, we can consult with your group virtually from anywhere and anytime in the world.
See below for course description.
5. G - Secret Strategies of the Ultra-Rich
CA $150.00 ea
Using the telephone and/or web-based technology, we can consult with your group virtually from anywhere and anytime in the world.
See below for course description.
3. GV- Live Educational Webinar
CA $19.00
Using the telephone and/or web-based technology, we host occasional LIVE webinars for anyone, anywhere and anytime in the world. Log-in to learn and ask questions about any topic you wish to be discussed on the group call.
Topics will vary and will be listed on our Events pages when available. Pay here or register on the Events page.
3. GV - Personal Financial Plan & Budgeting
CA $150.00 ea
Using the telephone and/or web-based technology, we can consult with your group virtually from anywhere and anytime in the world.
See below for course description.
6. G - Financial Strategies & Secrets for Everyday Investors
CA $150.00 ea
Using the telephone and/or web-based technology, we can consult with your group virtually from anywhere and anytime in the world.
See below for course description.
Individual Consultations
1. S - Personal Financial Assessment
CA $200.00
A personal 2 hour, full financial review of your current portfolio position. We review such crucial topics as the Income Statement, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, Insurance, Financial Objectives, Net Worth Statement, Debt Reduction, Mortgage Review, and risk profile. Impartial advice and coaching is provided on debt reduction strategies, savings goals, investment risk mitigation, various investment options, asset privacy and protection, and specific wealth secrets of the ultra-rich, as they apply to you.
A written financial report and plan of action will be provided by after the session, as a record of the session for you to refer to regularly as we coach you to financial success over the coming months and years.
We guarantee to save you at least $200 in taxes, mortgage interest, debt reduction, or other fees, or the session is absolutely FREE!
2. S-Personal Semi-annual Review
CA $100.00
We recommend a semi-annual personal 1 hour review of your portfolio, strategy, and financial goals every 6 months after your initial assessment and plan has been designed.
This allows for performance monitoring and changes in your circumstances to be reflected in your plan.
Group Workshops

1. G - Lunch & Learn Intro - Free
CA $0.00
In the 1930’s, it is a fact that the most people ever wiped out financially occurred after the Stock Market Crash of 1929. However, the most number of new millionaires ever created happened in the same time period. Wealth is neither created nor destroyed; it simply flows from the uneducated investor to the educator investor. By studying financial history, all of us can be on the winning side of the greatest wealth transfer in history, happening right now!
In this 45 minute introduction to The Wealth Coaches Financial Education Program, we discuss briefly these major macro-socio-economic issues: The Housing Bubble, Sub-prime Wave, and Commercial Mortgage Crisis; the Demographic Crisis and the Baby Boom Bubble; the Currency Crisis and Sovereign Debt; and Inflation vs. Hyperinflation. Bring your lunch and get ready to be inspired!
We take a brief look at these problems and then share the secrets that educated investors use to profit from these opportunities. We introduce RRSP’s, RRIF’s, LIRA’s, TFSA’s, pension plans, capital gains, dividends, interest, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives, self-directed vs. managed accounts, and some specific investment strategies. Learn which asset classes the wealthy utilize and which ones they avoid. Learn about the top 5 asset class secrets used most by the ultra-rich to create and store generational wealth. Learn too how they protect that wealth from greedy asset predators and legal judgements.
We guarantee to cause a paradigm shift in the way you think about money and to pique your curiosity so that your desire to learn more, either in a group workshop format or one-on-one with a wealth coach. By the end of this workshop, you will have more knowledge about finance than the majority of the population. This material is not taught in school or even known to most so-called “financial advisors” and mutual fund salesmen.
A handout package will be left for each attendee (up to 10 per class) to review after the workshop.
4. G - Retirement Planning & Investment Options
CA $499.00
In this third course of the series, we focus on Retirement Planning and Investment Options. This course assumes successful completion of the Personal Financial Assessment session, as well as the Personal Financial Plan and Budgeting session, but can be taken independently upon completion of the individual course, The Personal Financial Assessment.
We will discuss retirement needs to attain certain sample lifestyles; we will look at monthly savings amounts required to attain set savings goals; we will examine the assumptions used by financial planners and other advisors, and how retirement planning can be derailed by poor assumptions.
We will discuss how brokers and advisors typically earn fees and how those fees affect your portfolio's performance. We will also highlight how your advisor’s interest can, and often is, misaligned with your best interests.
We will compare RRSP’s, RRIF’s, LIRA’s, TFSA’s, company pension plans, capital gains, dividends, interest, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives, self-directed vs. managed accounts, and some specific strategies for retirement planning. We will also discuss less-traditional types of investments such as commodities (gold, silver, and diamonds) and income-producing real estate.
Finally, we will warn about the pitfalls of investing and how to determine for yourself if the investment is potentially dangerous or a scam.
Most people spend more time planning their vacations each year than planning their finances. If you fail to plan you are planning on failing. Don’t be a failure through your own negligence. Make a plan!
A handout package will be left for each attendee (up to 10 per class) to review after the workshop.

7. G - Financial Literacy for the Fitness Professional
CA $299.00 (as low as $10 per person)
As a fitness professional or personal trainer, you understand the need for exercisers to hire a fitness coach in order to achieve their fitness goals.
However, as with most of your clients, you likely have very little knowledge or experience with finance. Also, unlike employees who can count on a regular income, your fees are based on sales commissions that may fluctuate wildly throughout the year, making it difficult to simultaneously budget your money and focus on your clients’ needs.
In this 2 hour stand-alone course on financial literacy, aimed at fitness professional audiences of up to 30 people, we come to your facility to educate you and your fellow staff about financial economics, money management, budgeting, and investing. We also discuss how to protect yourself from legal judgements that could wipe you financially as a result of a personal training injury to a client.
The course is split into 4 sessions of 30 minutes each, with homework assignments after each session to be completed and brought to the following workshop. Typically, your employer arranges a regular 1 hour team training meeting and invites us in for one of the sessions each month.
We teach the same basic content that business professionals and everyday investors pay us for in our large group seminars, but it is tailored to a more youthful audience and coming from the perspective of a commissioned fitness employee with little or no knowledge of finance.
We share some of the secrets that educated investors use to reach financial goals. Learn about RRSP’s, RRIF’s, LIRA’s, TFSA’s, pension plans, capital gains, dividends, interest, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives, self-directed vs. managed accounts, and some specific investment strategies. Learn briefly about the top 5 asset class secrets used most by the ultra-rich to create and store generational wealth. Learn too how they protect that wealth from greedy asset predators and legal judgements.
Finally, we will warn you about the pitfalls of investing and how to determine for yourself if the investment is potentially dangerous or a scam.
By the end of this workshop, you will have more knowledge about finance than the majority of the population. This material is not taught in school or even known to most so-called “financial advisors” and mutual fund salesmen.
Most people spend more time planning their vacations each year than planning their finances. If you fail to plan you are planning on failing. Don’t be a failure through your own negligence. Make a plan!
A handout package will be left for each attendee (up to 30 per class) to review after each workshop.
2. G - Personal Financial Assessment
CA $499.00
In this follow-up course to the introductory session, we go into detail on the science behind the Personal Financial Assessment, also known as the financial reality check. We review such crucial topics as the Income Statement, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, Insurance, Financial Objectives, Net Worth Statement, Debt Reduction, and the Mortgage Review.
We have attendees complete the forms in the workshop (or prior to it if possible: see the Forms Download Link to get the required form). We will assist every attendee with each line item, and help complete a personal plan for each person based on the results obtained in this seminar.
A handout package will be left for each attendee (up to 10 per class) to review after the workshop.
We guarantee to save each participant at least $1000 in taxes, mortgage interest, debt reduction, or other fees, or the course is absolutely FREE!

3. G - Personal Financial Plan & Budgeting
CA $499.00
In this follow-up course to the Personal Financial Assessment session, we review the Personal Financial Plans previously created.
In this workshop, we discuss needs vs. wants; common mistakes people make when planning a budget; how to balance a cheque book; Pay Yourself First strategies; and some tax strategies to free up funds to put towards debt reduction and investments.
This time we go into the very important subject of Budgeting. It is one thing to have a financial plan based on the reality check previously conducted, but it is quite another to have a proper budgeting process in place to monitor monthly expenses to free up funds required to implement the plan of action.
We have attendees complete a sample budget in the workshop and we will assist every attendee with implementing their budget after the seminar.
We guarantee to help each participant get started on the budgeting process for the upcoming 12 month period.
A handout package will be left for each attendee (up to 10 per class) to review after the workshop.
5. G - Secret Strategies of the Ultra-Rich
CA $499.00
In the 1930’s, it is a fact that the most people ever wiped out financially occurred after the Stock Market Crash of 1929. However, the most number of new millionaires ever created happened in the same period. Wealth is neither created nor destroyed; it simply flows from the uneducated investor to the educator investor. By studying financial history, all of us can be on the winning side of the greatest wealth transfer in history.
In this 4 hour stand-alone course on financial education, we focus on the Secret Strategies of the Ultra-Rich. We discuss these major macro-socio-economic issues: The Housing Bubble, Sub-prime Wave, and Commercial Mortgage Crisis; the Demographic Crisis and the Baby Boom Bubble; the Currency Crisis and Sovereign Debt; and Inflation vs. Hyperinflation.
We take an in-depth look at these problems and then share the secrets that educated investors use to profit from these opportunities. Learn about RRSP’s, RRIF’s, LIRA’s, TFSA’s, pension plans, capital gains, dividends, interest, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives, self-directed vs. managed accounts, and some specific investment strategies. Learn which asset classes the wealthy utilize and which ones they avoid. Learn about the top 5 asset class secrets used most by the ultra-rich to create and store generational wealth. Learn too how they protect that wealth from greedy asset predators and legal judgements.
We guarantee to cause a paradigm shift in the way you think about money and to arm you with strategies you can use right now to secure your financial future. By the end of this workshop, you will have more knowledge about finance than the majority of the population. This material is not taught in school or even known to most so-called “financial advisors” and mutual fund salesmen.
As a bonus, we discuss how brokers and advisors typically earn fees and how those fees affect your portfolio's performance. We will further highlight how your advisor’s interest can, and often is, misaligned with your best interests.
A handout package will be left for each attendee (up to 10 per class) to review after the workshop.

8. G - Financial Literacy for the Business Professional
CA $299.00 (as low as $30 per person)
As a business professional, consultant, or employee of a company, you likely have had little or no knowledge or experience with finance. Whether you are paid by salary or commission, you probably pay way to much tax, have limited vacation time each year, and probably spend relatively little time planning your personal finances.
In this 2 hour stand-alone course on financial literacy, aimed at businesses to support their staff, we come to your facility to educate of up to 10 people per group about financial economics, money management, budgeting, and investing. The course is split into 4 sessions of 30 minutes each, with homework assignments after each session to be completed and brought to the following workshop. Typically, your employer arranges a regular 1 hour team training meeting and invites us in for one of the sessions each week or month, as needed.
We teach the same basic content that business professionals and everyday investors pay us for in our large group seminars, but the format is tailored to the office environment so that staff can learn the essentials of finance and investing while at work, supported by their HR departments.
We share some of the secrets that educated investors use to reach financial goals. Learn about RRSP’s, RRIF’s, LIRA’s, TFSA’s, pension plans, capital gains, dividends, interest, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives, self-directed vs. managed accounts, and some specific investment strategies. Learn briefly about the top 5 asset class secrets used most by the ultra-rich to create and store generational wealth. Learn too how they protect that wealth from greedy asset predators and legal judgements.
As a bonus, we discuss how brokers and advisors typically earn fees and how those fees affect your portfolio's performance. We will further highlight how your advisor’s interest can, and often is, misaligned with your best interests.
By the end of this workshop, you will have more knowledge about finance than the majority of the population. This material is not taught in school or even known to most so-called “financial advisors” and mutual fund salesmen.
Most people spend more time planning their vacations each year than planning their finances. If you fail to plan you are planning on failing. Don’t be a failure through your own negligence. Make a plan!
A handout package will be left for each attendee (up to 10 per class) to review after the workshop.
6. G - Financial Strategies & Secrets for Everyday Investors
CA $299.00
In the 1930’s, it is a fact that the most people ever wiped out financially occurred after the Stock Market Crash of 1929. However, the most number of new millionaires ever created happened in the same period. Wealth is neither created nor destroyed; it simply flows from the uneducated investor to the educator investor. By studying financial history, all of us can be on the winning side of the greatest wealth transfer in history.
In this 2 hour stand-alone course on financial education, aimed at Large Group audiences of 10 or more, we focus on the Secret Strategies of the Ultra-rich. We discuss these major macro-socio-economic issues: The Housing Bubble, Sub-prime Wave, and Commercial Mortgage Crisis; the Demographic Crisis and the Baby Boom Bubble; the Currency Crisis and Sovereign Debt; and Inflation vs. Hyperinflation.
We take an in-depth look at these problems and then share some of the secrets that educated investors use to profit from these opportunities. Learn about RRSP’s, RRIF’s, LIRA’s, TFSA’s, pension plans, capital gains, dividends, interest, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives, self-directed vs. managed accounts, and some specific investment strategies. Learn which asset classes the wealthy utilize and which ones they avoid. Learn briefly about the top 5 asset class secrets used most by the ultra-rich to create and store generational wealth. Learn too how they protect that wealth from greedy asset predators and legal judgements.
We guarantee to cause a paradigm shift in the way you think about money and to arm you with strategies you can use right now to secure your financial future. By the end of this workshop, you will have more knowledge about finance than the majority of the population. This material is not taught in school or even known to most so-called “financial advisors” and mutual fund salesmen.
As a bonus, we discuss how brokers and advisors typically earn fees and how those fees affect your portfolio's performance. We will further highlight how your advisor’s interest can, and often is, misaligned with your best interests.
A handout package will be left for each attendee (up to 10 per class) to review after the workshop.
Administrative Services provided to STS Clients of
STS-CS25: STS Consultative Services (15 mintues)
CA $25.00
Once you have already purchased the STS Program, you may wish to hire us for general advice or to help you with certain aspects of the activation. Services we can perform include the following: STS Binder Activation & Preparation, Banking Setup, Third Party Contracts, IT and Filing System Creation. Full service implementation where we handle all the details for you from start to finish is also available.
Our time is billed in 15 minute increments. You may purchase as much time as you need or ask us for a free quote, and we will advise you how many time blocks to purchase here.
STS-PSUR: STS Program Set Up - Regular Package
CA $995.00
Once you have already purchased the STS Program, you may wish to hire us to help you fully activate it. Services to be performed include the following: STS Binder Activation & Preparation, Banking Setup, Third Party Contracts, IT and Filing System Creation. Full service implementation where we handle all the details for you from start to finish.
STS-PSUS: STS Program Set Up - Seminar Price
CA $695.00
Once you have already purchased the STS Program, you may wish to hire us to help you fully activate it. Services to be performed include the following: STS Binder Activation & Preparation, Banking Setup, Third Party Contracts, IT and Filing System Creation. Full service implementation where we handle all the details for you from start to finish.
Multi-media Services by ThoughtWurx Inc.

1. M - Website Development (WIX sites) - 7 Page Basic
CA $500.00
Set-up and development of a basic 7 page, WIX-based free template website. Pages include Home Page, About Us, Services or Products, Contact US, FAQ, Links, and Media (content development is extra). Free hosting is provided by WIX with optional paid services to remove the banner ad for the WIX service. First year domain name registration with is provided which includes company-branded email, website forwarding, and numerous other free options.
This site service offers many extra features snd benefits, with both free and paid service options. Billing for extras will be direct to the customer with no mark-up from us.

4. M - YouTube Profile and Channel
CA $200.00
The world is going to video in a hurry and if your site does not contain it, you risk losing ranking in search engines and business credibility in the marketplace.
We will link your website presence to your own personal or corporate profile and channel on YouTube, the world's leading video hosting service.
Stream your YouTube content directly to your website with proper plug-in coding, and instantly add professionalism to your business. We will create your profile and link it to your site, while maintaining branding consistency.
Video content creation is extra.

7. M - Twitter Profile
CA $200.00
The business world is increasingly interconnected and so is its staff and customers. Use of social media to search for new employees; watch the competition; research and connect with new customers; sell products and services to the world; connect with friends; and monitor employees has never been greater.
Twitter is the #1 short message social media site on the planet and is a great tool for businesses to connect to customers in real time. Businesses use Twitter to quickly share information with people interested in their products and services, gather real-time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with customers, partners and influencers. From brand lift to CRM to direct sales, Twitter offers businesses an easy way to reach an engaged audience.
We will link your website presence to your own personal or corporate Twitter profile. Instantly add social media marketing power to your business and begin connecting with a whole universe of new possibilities. We will create your profile and link it to your site, while maintaining branding consistency. Update your profile regularly from your computer or mobile app. Know what is going on before your miss prime opportunities.

2. M - Website Development Advanced per hour
CA $100.00
Additional pages and more advanced programming is billed on an hourly basis in 15 minute increments. Estimates are provided free of charge prior to work commencing. A 50% advance payment is due at time of approaval and the balance upon completion.

5. M - Facebook Profile
CA $200.00
The business world is increasingly interconnected and so is its staff. Use of social media to search for new employees; watch the competition; research and connect with new customers; sell products and services to the world; connect with friends; and monitor employees has never been greater.
Facebook is the #1 social media site on the planet and is a must for any business to stay connected and highly ranked in the new search engine optimization programs used by the Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search services.
We will link your website presence to your own personal or corporate Facebook profile. Instantly add social media marketing power to your business and begin connecting with a whole universe of new possibilities. We will create your profile and link it to your site, while maintaining branding consistency. Update your profile regularly from your computer or mobile app. Know what is going on before your miss prime opportunities.

8. M - Copy Writing per hour
CA $100.00
Need help writing the content for your various projects. We offer professional writing services that help your maintain your message across all platforms; language that is correctly written for grammar, punctuation, and style to suit your industry. We also have legal experience and can structure the wording so you can worry less about being sued and more about your business.
Content can be written for:
- websites
- social media profiles
- video scripts
- contracts
- disclaimers
- invoices
- marketing materials
- signage
- email templates
- newsletters
- etc.

3. M - Social Media Integration of Website
CA $500.00
We will link your website presence to all of your personal or corporate social media profiles to a maximum of 5 services. We will create your profiles and link them to your site via Facebook, Linked-in, Twitter, My Space, Google+, YouTube, MSN, and any other chosen service.
By linking to other sites, your search engine ranking with Google, Bing, etc. is improved, leading to better SEO (search engine optimization) results, and better marketing exposure.

6. M - Linked-in Profile
CA $200.00
The business world is increasingly interconnected and using social media to search for new employees; watch the competition; research and connect with new customers; and display its products and services to the world.
Linked-in is a must for any business to stay connected and highly ranked in the new search engine optimization programs used by the Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search services.
We will link your website presence to your own personal or corporate Linked-in profile. Instantly add credibility to your business and begin connecting with a whole universe of new possibilities. We will create your profile and link it to your site, while maintaining branding consistency. Update your profile regularly from your computer or mobile app. Know what is going on before your miss prime opportunities.

9. M - Marketing Strategy & Document Creation
CA $100.00
Businesses produce thousands of documents a year in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Adobe, various graphic arts programs, and page layout applications.
Most of the time, there is a lack of coherence between the intended branding message from the marketing department and what the front-line employee develops.
Also, programming of Office documents can be a time-consuming and costly learning experience for most employees.
Let us take the creative work off your inexperienced staff and increase your productivity while your maintain a professional image.
Programming will be charged on a per hour basis.