About Me

James Steele IV
Senior Partner - B.A., Bcomm.
Wealth Coach & Visionary
Thank you for visiting this page to learn more about me and The Wealth Coaches as you decide whether to hire me as your personal wealth coach. I believe it is vitally important to choose the right mentor to help guide you along your personal financial journey. As you read about my background and my personality test results below, ask yourself this simple question, "can I see myself learning and benefiting from his experience, vision, and sincere desire to help me prosper?"
As a graduate of the University of Calgary, I possess degrees in both Economics and Business, specializing in both micro and macro economics, as well as in Finance and Management Science. I began a financial planning career in 1992 and served hundreds of clients over the next 5 years. I moved on to the private equity markets where, as VP Finance, I successfully helped raise venture capital for a unique sports-related training device in the golf industry. Since 1998, I have run several businesses specializing in financial services, licensing, marketing, branding, fitness, education, and multimedia.
Since 2002, Trilogy Promotions Inc., the parent company of the Wealth Coaches and The Wealth Academy, has provided these services all under one roof. In 2011, I returned to the private equity markets and now coach clients on the fundamentals of money, money management, wealth creation, demographics, wealth cycles, currencies, commodities, small business development, investing, estate planning, taxation strategies, law, and income diversification. Once I have educated clients on the fundamentals of the due diligence process, I help them create, manage, and protect their wealth against the ravages of inflation, taxes, legal attacks, and the volatile nature of the financial markets.
As a Wealth, Health, and Wisdom coach, I endeavor to educate my clients in the two fundamental areas of Wealth and Health. I am a strong advocate of optimal health, and I am proud to use my extensive fitness industry experience to promote the national “90 Day Challenge” to foster better dietary and exercise habits for my clients, their families, and their fellow employees. I do practice what I preach and can proudly claim not to have missed a single day due to illness this century. Good food, good water, good nutrition, clean living, no smoking, no drugs, no medications, and regular exercise are the keys to success in health AND wealth!
In 2018, I launched a premier e-Learning financial education training platform, The Wealth Academy, on a digital content creator's platform called Teachable. This will be a culmination of nearly 30 years of my real-world financial experience that will automate the financial education of millions of people while providing a business-in-box model to entrepreneurs desirous of sharing in this wealth through platform and course promotion, seminar facilitation, and referral client marketing.
Finally, I am a huge believer in constant personal development and entrepreneurship. The Wealth Academy hosts a special course called Success Mindset Training 101, specifically designed to program your mind for success with the help of many of the same mentors and personal development gurus I have relied on since 1992. The super wealthy did not get that way by sheer luck; they did so by feeding their brains with the right information and success strategies that previously worked for those who came before them. I am passing along the benefit of that experience.
I recently took the Myers Briggs personality test and it revealed some amazing results about me that were spot on accurate. It turns out my style is prominent among many of the top visionaries and business leaders in the world which is shared by only 1-3% of the population. It is called ENTJ-A Assertive Commander and is apparently the same personality style as such famous leaders as Steve Jobs, Gordon Ramsay, Margaret Thatcher, Harrison Ford, David Palmer (from TV series 24), and Franklin D. Roosevelt, to name but a few. We apparently share the common goal of changing the world for the better from within our chosen roles. If I can succeed with anywhere near the level of success of these greats, I shall have helped a lot of people along the way, and I hope you are one of them.
A couple of good sources to review My Personality Style are Truity.com and 16Personalities.com. You can learn more about me as a potential coach, business mentor, and corporate leader to see if we might be a good fit. While you are there, take your own personality test to see if you have what it takes to succeed and in what industry you should focus your efforts.
Finally, click on my LinkedIn profile to see my current CV.
I hope to meet you in person or online someday soon...
~ Coach James.
"Without financial education, your money flows to those who profit most from your financial ignorance."