Easily accept credit and debit card payments for only pennies per transaction.

Multiple FREE terminal configurations including counter-top, wireless and integrated payment solutions.

Regarding payment processing, no two industries are alike; so we offer custom-tailored solutions to fit your specific industry needs.

Easily accept credit and debit card payments for only pennies per transaction.
Merchant Services

Tranont Merchant Services Point of Sale Program.

Who is Take Payments Canada?

Contact me today.

Tranont Merchant Services Point of Sale Program.
The Wealth Coaches is pleased to announce that James Steele IV has been nominated to be one of the few authorized Cost Analysts in Canada in partnership with Take Payments Canada Inc., a registered ISO acquirer, which has over 100,000 merchants processing more than 2 billion monthly transactions. Together, our financial transactions are underwritten by our merchant banking partner, Wells Fargo Bank.
As an independent representative & merchant facilitator, James has successfully passed criminal background checks and the in-house accreditation program, and is now certified to provide merchants with a confidential detailed analysis of their current credit / debit card merchant processing statements to educate them on the many hidden fees and charges they are paying through their bank or other payments provider.
What do you have to lose by requesting a quote, other than the excess fees you have been paying for all these years? With the financial backing and underwriting of Wells Fargo, one of the largest banks in North America, we will revolutionize the payments industry in Canada and put more money in your pocket from each transaction. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERCUT!
"We can now GUARANTEE any merchant, government agency, business, or charity, a better rate on their credit and debit card processing fees, and we back that claim with a written performance guarantee! If we cannot offer you a better rate than you are currently provided, then Take Payments Canada will pay you $500!
In most cases, we should be able to save businesses 25%-75% on their total fees, all with NO CONTRACTS, NO HIDDEN FEES, FREE TERMINALS, LOWEST COST IN CANADA and BEST-IN-CLASS 24/7 customer service."

FACTS about Take Payments Canada Inc.
A Canadian merchant services and card issuing company
Partnered with the biggest players in the merchant services industry
Serving over 100,000 merchants
Over 2 billion transactions processed each month
FREE Terminal Program
1 per $25,000 in sales (limit of 4 free)
E-commerce functionality at a FRACTION of the COST to PayPal, etc. (25-75% savings!)
CASH ADVANCES up to $300,000 against future terminal sales
(stock up with holiday inventory, expansions, renovations, or more without onerous bank underwriting requirements)!
Gift and Loyalty Cards (highly profitable and effective)
Private Label Debit Cards (Payroll deposits and branded cards for employees)
Fastest growing provider in North America
Acquired over 30% market share in the southern UK in just 24 months!
Gift and Loyalty Cards
Gift Cards – Statistically, 45 % of gift cards sold never get redeemed; that’s pure profit. Allow your Debit Card machine to become a money-making machine by offering this program to your customers. Gift Cards keep customers coming back and they often spend more. Sell these to your business clients as a marketing expense and help them achieve up to 100% tax deductability on meals and entertainment. Offer cards in fixed denominations and customers will often leave with a balance still on the card.
Loyalty Cards - Another great way to boost sales. You can offer free products, dollar discounts or a percentage off of future purchases.

Videos - Best in Class Solutions
Importance of PCI Compliance for Your Business
PCI Compliance: The Importance of Performing a Vulnerability Scan on a Regular Basis
Pivotal Mobile
Pivotal Payments - Partner Solutions
Pivotal One - Business Rewards
Multi-Currency Processing
Pivotal Payments E-Donation Suite
DataCandy's Small Business Gift Card Program

Request a Quote
QUOTE REQUIREMENTS – To provide a detailed competitive quote, I will require at least your most recent merchant processing statement in order to fully analyze your current fee structure. We utilize an approximately 300-point checklist looking for areas of opportunity to HELP SAVE YOU MONEY.
Experience suggests that the vast majority of merchants have no idea what charges and fees are hidden in their statements, and what the real effective discount rate is they are paying to their provider. As a consultant working for YOU, my job is to educate you on these myriad of fees (of which there are over 900 categories in the industry!), why you may be unknowingly paying a premium for many transactions, and how to minimize those costs; something your current provider will has no incentive to do since it will sacrifice their profits.
Further, I am willing to reassess your statement every few months with a complimentary rate review to ensure you are optimizing your terminal usage.
At the very minimum, I will require the following items from your statements, so please ensure you have these figures available when submitting your request. It is advisable to simply upload a copy of your most recent billing statement to my secure DropBox safe using the widget below and I will identify the required line items for you to ensure accuracy of your personalized quote.
Discount Rate % (on Qualified transactions)
Surcharge % (on Non-qualified transactions)
Differential being billed or other interchange fees?
Per Item Transaction Fee $
Authorization Fee $
Batch Close Fee $
Interac Per Item Fee $
Monthly Service Fee $
PCI Fee $ (Monthly? Quarterly? Annually?)
Equipment / Terminal Rental / Lease Fee $
Effective Discount Rate (if specified)
Total Monthly Billing per platform (VIsa, MC, Debit, etc)
Total Monthly Fees $
If you are unwilling provide at least this essential information, then please don’t request a quote because it will be impossible to offer an informed estimate of the cost savings you could achieve.
Please keep in mind that all information you provide is extremely confidential, will be treated with the utmost privacy, and will not be discussed with the any third party who may have referred you to TPCI for the purpose of seeking a merchant services quote.
Does your business qualify?
Click to review the Underwriting Requirements.
Are you ready to apply?
Please gather this information from the Application and I will prepare an agreement for your e-signature.
Please use ONLY IF the upload widget is not
working, to send to my encrypted Email.
Common Concerns

I’m not familiar with Take Payments.
Take Payments has over 100,000 merchants and handles sales volumes of over 2 billion transactions per month. TPCI's unique value proposition is to provide exceptional customer service with No Hidden Fees, No Contracts, No Cancellation Fees, Free Terminals, and to be the LOWEST COST PROVIDER in Canada. We GUARANTEE to lower your rates or you will receive $5,000!
Take Payments is a merchant services and card issuing company serving North America and Europe. We partner with leading global financial institutions to ensure that our clients’ businesses are served by the best payment gateways and security. We have the Cheapest Debit and Credit card on the market today. Take Payments is at the cutting edge of Social Media, Text, Email and QR Code commerce which supports our merchant’s Marketing and Sales efforts on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Our Merchants sell 4 times more. Partnering with an excellent selection of international banks, we provide efficient, cost-effective, client-centered solutions to meet businesses’ point-of-sale and card issuance needs. With over 20 years’ experience operating internationally, we provide bespoke merchant services solutions and products.

I’m already in a contract and/or I have an Early Termination Fee.
Most of the merchants that we deal with already are in a contract as well and we can offset your Early Termination Fee with monthly savings!
Once we analyze your current bill and calculate the monthly savings, we can advise you on the break-even point for switching, net of any cancellation fees you may incur. Obviously, if the savings are sufficient to justify the cancellation fees, smart business owners will seize the opportunity to lower their overall costs of doing business.
November 2016 ANNOUNCEMENT: Whenever the banks change the terms of the agreement, such us the underlying interchange rates, your contract automatically becomes open-ended which allows you to switch providers with NO CANCELLATION FEE! They typically provide very little in the way of obvious notice to merchants who are often too busy to catch this small detail, never mind that fact that their term contracts have now become open-ended!
The good news for merchants in 2017 is that the card issuers announced a change in the underlying interchange fees effective for April 1, 2017. Since they changed the terms of your contract unilaterally, ALL merchants are now free to move providers without a cancellation fee. Of course, they hope merchants don't know this valuable tip and may even offer to perform a rate review, revise your fee structure, and then lock you into another term before you get wise to the trick. The Industry Code of Code of Conduct - Get Out of Contract Rules is available here.
We GUARANTEE to offer you better terms, rates, & opportunity for month-to-month savings, all with NO CONTRACTS and NO HIDDEN FEES.
Now that is a tip you can take to the bank!

What are your Rates?
Since every merchant's situation is different, we don’t offer flat rate pricing, or the same pricing for every merchant. And neither does the entire industry, despite their initial advertisement that may say that they do. Rather, they offer you a "best case scenario) rate which usually doesn't apply to the majority of you transactions. We take your unique attributes and consider them when proposing our pricing to you. Our rates depend on a variety of things, but we do offer a meet or beat program, so if you share your recent statements, we can run a fair comparison and show you the breakdown on how you are currently being charged. Although this may sound like obfuscation, the reality is that every processor has essentially the same challenge in answering this question. Many will be dishonest and quote a flat rate, but once you get their proposal and read the fine print, you will discover that the devil is in the details. All processors need to recoup their costs and make a profit margin, and they do this by hiding behind cryptic codes and conditional fees. We are transparent and educational in our approach with you. That is why we offer no-term contracts, and no hidden fees. Wouldn't you rather do business with a company that is this transparent?
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Merchant Account Checklist
The following are some important points to consider when choosing or switching payment processors.
Customer Testimonials
Restaurant: Babylon Fish & Clam, located in Babylon, NY
Clothing Store: EnergXChange, located in Montreal, QE
Security Company: Mark Folmer, CPP of BECQ Security Group
Restaurant: Giuseppe Capebianco, Cafe Picasso
Homeless Shelter Charity: Sandrine Guillot, Old Brewery Mission
Liquor Store: Astor Wines & Spirits. Greenwich Village, NY
Restaurant: Gildardo Anaya, Casa Vieja
Daycare: Sallyanne Manyl Agbor, Garderie Manyl Inc., Montreal, QE